Hong Kong movie effects shots.
Vfx rain, snow, fly, confetti made of particles, and season change effects.
Most of the effects are pretty straight forward and have to be subtle so it doesnt ruin the storytelling it helps mostly to tell the story. I can say majority of my works in films are invisible. and there was a time many of them are just for cleaning and cover ups . I can say most of the job done took a lot of time since we have to clean the shots first before we could lay effects upon them. Lots of time which means like full day per shots.
Stephen Ma's Cubist limited company effects studio requested me to supply them extra shots for the movie ( Year-2002 ). Shots includes :
Rain effects on a sunny day.
See the movie HERE
Snow effects.
See the movie HERE
3d Fly effects - This kind of shots are less than a day to produce, in full feature film resolution.
See the movie HERE
Flying cg pieces of clothing after sneeze
See the movie HERE
Particle replacement - confetti
See the movie HERE
Summer to Winter shot - snow all over the background was added painted digitally and added particles and color correct the footage
See the movie HERE
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